Atlas of Never Built Architecture – Greg Goldin, Sam Lubell

od Phaidon

129,00 €

A comprehensive global survey of more than 300 extraordinary unbuilt architecture projects from the 20th century to the present day

The Atlas of Never Built Architecture features hundreds of the most spectacular unbuilt projects of the 20th and 21st centuries in a comprehensive, geographically arranged survey. At times impractical or fanciful but always imaginative and ambitious, the projects included in this ground-breaking book reveal the incredible diversity of ideas that have emerged from the world’s most influential architects.

A vast array of imagery, from initial sketches and paintings to etchings and digital renderings, offers insight into how architectural projects are conceived and developed, and the book features a wide-ranging selection of projects, such as parliamentary buildings, museums, arts centers, skyscrapers, artificial islands, and city plans. Futuristic visions from the likes of Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Kahn, and Le Corbusier, sit alongside more contemporary proposals from talents such as Norman Foster, Diller, Scofidio + Renfro, Steven Holl, and Zaha Hadid to show how our built environments could have looked very different indeed.


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