Lampoon Magazine is about craft: Italian legacy and ability, avant-garde and future, sustainability, culture – aesthetics as a leading asset. Lampoon 28, The Working Issue: the meaning of work, people and habitsA tribute to those…
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Lampoon Magazine is about craft: Italian legacy and ability, avant-garde and future, sustainability, culture – aesthetics as a leading asset.
Lampoon 28, The Working Issue: the meaning of work, people and habits
A tribute to those who work.
Work is effort, dedication, and seriousness, before success and gain.
Fatigue, frailty, and illness. We work for people who find calm, peace even, in what they do every day; human beings who are able to express themselves while remaining sincere.
Work is attention, love is attention.
The Working Issue – featured talents
Among Lampoon Magazine 28 main outlines: James Norton, Parris Goebel, Tosh Basco, Mason Hyce Barnes, Nicolas Di Felice, Sir Paul Smith, Erwan Ronan Bouroullec, Humberto Campana, Charlie Siem, Anne Holtrop, Damien Chazelle, Justin Hurwitz, Silvia Venturini Fendi, Delfina Delettrez Fendi, Leonetta Luciano Fendi.
Photographic editorials feature Maxime Ballesteros staging Vimala Pons, Winter Vandenbrink, Kim Ann Foxman portrayed by Spyros Rennt, Michel Gaubert, and Pandora’s Jukebox.
Lampoon 28, we are a community: the sharing of a path, not the collective achievement of a goal
Lampoon Magazine:Sustainable Matters in the Anthropocene, Circular Economies, Traceability, Creative Crafting.
Human dignity and diversity; positive vibes and innovation – these are the cornerstone where Lampoon Magazine’s research stems from, Journalism, Chronicles and Reports, revealing the pragmatic side of many theories.