Pin-Up Magazine – Issue #36

od Pin-Up Magazine

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PIN–UP is a magazine that captures an architectural spirit, rather than focusing on technical details of design, by featuring interviews with architects, designers, and artists, and presenting work as an informal work in progress – a fun assembly of ideas, stories and conversations, all paired with cutting-edge photography and artwork.

In this issue: 

Construction is not just about physical structures; it’s about the intangible spaces we inhabit — the realms of imagination, creativity, and possibility. It’s about those who dare to challenge the status quo and redefine the boundaries of what is possible. This issue is by and about those whose minds are perpetually building.

The OMA partner pushes architecture forward by building
Interview by Felix Burrichter
Photography by Chris Maggio

The Indian-born architect creates low-cost housing solutions with vernacular knowledge and materials
Interview by Victoria Camblin
Portraits by Joseph Kadow

The Taos, New Mexico-based radical visionary turns recycled beer cans and tires into self-sustaining architectural gems
Interview by Michael Bullock
Portraits by Luke Abby

SISSEL TOLAAS The certified expert of all things smell is on a quest to sharpen your fifth sense Text by Whitney Mallett Portraits by Lengua

Also in the issue: Inside Francesco Vezzoli’s Milanese home, a high-drama Italian design lover’s dream; Yale Center for British Art director (and the next executive director of the Rauschenberg Foundation) Courtney J. Martin on renovating an iconic Louis Kahn building; Fabrizio Ballabio and Alessandro Bava reinterpret the idea of “made in Italy” with their Milan-based architectural studio BB; Limbo Accra create speculative futures for unfinished architecture around the world; and Italian philosopher Emanuele Coccia calls for a radical reevaluation of “home” as a vector for social and economic change.

Plus: Pippa Garner and Hedi Slimane’s Celine Art Project.


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