Monocle June 2024 #174

od Monocle

12,00 €

In our latest issue, we report from Basel, Carthage, Paris, Tokyo and beyond to find out precisely what it takes to make it onto the winners’ podium, regardless of your chosen field. We profile the designers crafting the future, from the brains behind Danish electronics company Bang & Olufsen to an Italian expat spearheading Mallorca’s creative rebirth. We also meet the rising stars of the Venice Art Biennale and the Olympians going for gold at Paris 2024 – as well as the mayor working to ensure that the Games will bring lasting change to the French capital. Elsewhere, we tour the Luxembourg freeport, survey key global-affairs flashpoints and go behind the scenes at Chanel with its president of fashion, Bruno Pavlovsky.

Monocle magazine was launched in 2007 to provide a briefing on global affairs, business, culture, design and much more. We believed that there was a globally minded audience of readers who were hungry for opportunities and experiences beyond their national borders. Today, Monocle is published 10 times a year out of our HQs at Midori House and Dufourstrasse 90 in Zürich, and we now sell more than 80,000 copies per issue and have 24,000 subscribers and growing.



Osobný odber – Delikatesu ti pripravíme k vyzdvihnutiu u nás v Brote v priebehu 24 hodín. Otváracie hodiny: Pon - Pia 11-19, Sob 10-16

Kuriér – Ak zvolíš tento tip doručenia, delikatesu vychystáme najneskôr do 48 hodín a odošleme kuriérom.

Nástroje, ktoré ti pomôžu rozkvitať

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My prinášame také, ktoré ti umožnia zdravo rásť, objavovať a tvoriť.

Kurátorský výber

Knihy, magazíny, stationery. Medzinárodné. Domáce. Oceňované. Nepoznané. Novinky. Aj vykopávky.

Všetky poctivo vyberáme. O každej vieme viac ako len autor a názov.

Zahraničné tituly

Prinášame kvalitné kúsky od overených vydavateľstiev a autorov zo zahraničia.

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