Sans In Use

od Victionary

52,00 €

Showcasing creative pairings and ingenious applications of Serif and Sans Serif typefaces as well as a rich selection of type specimen, Sans in Use and Serif in Use act as a reference point to inspire type designers and type lovers alike. In the world of typography, it is not uncommon to see combinations of serif and sans serif typefaces in the same design. However, it takes skill to combine them in order to avoid tension and clashes, and ensure maximum readability of the text in the design.From font weights to classifications, each font has its own distinct personality, and should be carefully paired to convey the right tone and mood of the design. Featuring a selection of type specimens, their design applications, and the thoughts that go behind the craft, Sans in Use / Serif in Use collates the best combinations of the two typeface categories and serves as a reference point for inspiration-seeking designers and typographers alike.


Osobný odber – Delikatesu ti pripravíme k vyzdvihnutiu u nás v Brote v priebehu 24 hodín. Otváracie hodiny: Pon - Pia 11-19, Sob 10-16

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